News & Events: MathXL Player Now Available for Calculus and Statistics Courses
MathXL and MyStatLab courses for Calculus and Statistics now use the same technology as courses at the Developmental and Precalculus level courses to present exercises.
For ©2006 Calculus and ©2007 Statistics courses and beyond, the MathXL® Player is used to present online exercises. Exercises in these new Calc & Stats courses include guided solutions and sample problems—the feature students report loving the most in their lower-level MyMathLab courses. For instructors, Calc & Stats courses now include the following great features:
ability to use the MathXL Exercise Builder to create online problems from scratch
option to preserve question values & student answers for homework assignments
ability to assign tests and quizzes that cover more than one chapter
View a complete list of courses that use the MathXL Player to display online exercises with guided solutions and sample problems.
Courses that Use the MathXL Player
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About the MathXL Player
The MathXL Player (shown below) is an ActiveX control used to present online homework, tutorial, and test questions that regenerate algorithmically.

MathXL Player Features
Questions displayed in practice and homework modes include guided solutions (“Help Me Solve This”), sample problems (“View an Example”), and learning aids
(such as video clips, animations, and eBook pages) that give students the extra help they need at point-of-use to master concepts and skills.
Most MathXL Player questions are free-response and provide helpful feedback when students enter incorrect answers.
The MathXL Player provides an intuitive math symbol palette that makes it easy for students to enter math notation.
Some courses include interactive graphing questions that allow students to
create a graph that is automatically graded by the system.
Questions correlate to the textbook exercise sets and are presented and tracked at the objective level, so students can always pinpoint exactly which topics they’ve mastered and which
ones they still need to practice.